About : Dunedin Fringe Festival


About White Box

Situated at 19 George Street, White Box is a white-walled window gallery in the front of the Fringe office. The highly visible street-facing window is right next to the Octagon and attracts hundreds of people daily who are simply walking by.

In keeping with the inclusive kaupapa of Dunedin Fringe Arts Trust, the core aim of White Box is to support and showcase a diverse range of engaging visual arts projects in an accessible environment. This provides a chance for arts practitioners, students, writers, curators and community projects to present work free from commercial and criterion restraints. As well as offering an opportunity to a variety of local artists, White Box intends to break through preconceived ideas of what art is, demonstrating to the public the diversity of work that can fall under the label ‘visual art.’

Much like the Fringe Festival, White Box’s key purpose is to get people excited and involved with art through its highly public location, and to support the work of a range of artists.


About Us

Dunedin Fringe envisions a city ignited by creativity, where all people embrace art, culture and creativity into their daily lives.

We have a mission to provide platforms for creative expression that help nurture communities. We have a special focus on supporting emerging artists, and the development of new and experimental work.

We produce the Dunedin Fringe Festival, Amped Music Project and New Zealand Young Writers Festival annually, curate the White Box Gallery, and manage the performing arts venue Te Whare o Rukutia.

Our Contacts

Dunedin Fringe Arts Trust
19 George Street,
Dunedin 9016,
Aotearoa New Zealand

03 477 3350